Archive | January 2017

Quarter 3 already?!

I can’t believe how fast the year is flying by! We are slowly getting  back to a “normal” routine after our holiday break and “snow” days 🙂 This quarter in science we are learning  about Electricity and Magnetism. A parent newsletter was sent home explaining some of the content your child will  be learning in science. We started with getting familiar with new vocabulary.  Today,students were able to experience static electricity through their lab stations! Ask  them all about it! If students did not finish their explanation piece of their lab sheet they were asked to complete it for homework and it’s due tomorrow.

In math, we have started our unit in geometry. Today we defined what a polygon is and practiced identifying the difference between a “regular” and “not regular” polygon. They completed independent practice in class, and will  complete pages 907-908 for homework.

In reading, we will  be starting our poetry unit. We will also be learning and practicing how to answer constructed responses questions.

This is a short week Bobcats, so lets make  it count!